

Via a bank transfer till 1st of Mart. 

Fees will only be valid when full payment is received.


 HR30 2402 00611 0083 0663 

OK "RIS" Delnice
Stjepana Radića 1
51 300 Delnice

Make sure to include the name of the runer and the club. When we receive the payment we will send a notification via OO line service.

Dear sports friends,
over a month passed since the last edition of the Croatia Open 2020, which we managed to organize in very complex circumstances caused by the appearance of the COVID-19 virus. We are satisfied that the commitment and responsibility of organizers as well as all participants was at a high level, primarily due to the fact that none of the participants after the competition were positive for COVID-19 - according to the data available to us. Time has shown that orienteering is one of the low-risk sport activities when it comes to the spread of COVID-19.
We believe that we, as the organizers of the competition, have fulfilled our obligation to all registered competitors; the competition was held according to plan and the financial resources we received from the paid entry fees were invested in the preparation and organization.
No, we don’t want you to think that we are looking for a way not to return the paid entry fees to the competitors who did not take part in the competition due to fear caused by the appearance of COVID-19, on the contrary, we’re thankful for your payments which allowed us to prepare and organize the competition. We’d also like to offer you a fair deal - use the paid entry fees as an opportunity to compete at the Croatia Open in the course of the next two years.
We’d like to emphasize that we, as the organizers, were left without a part of the income for the preparation and organization of the competition because some of the competitors did not pay their entry fees. They didn’t even inform us that they wouldn’t be competing which caused us a loss in financing. Due to such irresponsible individuals, we will have to introduce stricter measures regarding the control of applications and payments from next year. There will be a maximum of 10 days after the end of each application period for the payments, after which the right to a more favorable entry fee will be lost.
We would also like to announce the dates for Croatia Open 2021: August 1st – 6th! More detailed information coming soon.
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all this year's participants for coming, and all those of you who may be considered damaged, we’re asking for your understanding and patience because the opportunity to participate in the Croatia Open opens next year.
CO team